
Chennai Footcare << Treatments

Chennai Diabetic Foot Care Centre offers a comprehensive suite of podiatric treatments, addressing a wide array of foot and ankle conditions. Patients with diabetes-related complications such as foot infections, ulcers, Charcot foot, and the risk of amputation can access specialized diabetic wound care, including advanced options like Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and biothesiometry. Structural conditions of the foot like flat foot, bunions, and calcaneal spurs are managed with customized orthotics, prosthetics, and corrective surgeries. Vascular issues such as varicose veins and peripheral vascular disease benefit from modern treatments like laser therapy, sclerotherapy, and angioplasty, while innovative therapies like cryotherapy and ozone therapy offer relief for chronic leg ulcers and lymphedema.

Skin and nail care are equally prioritized, with effective treatments for fungal infections, ingrown toenails, and viral warts. Dr. Premkumar provides comprehensive care for foot deformities, nerve pain, and skin disorders, ensuring each patient receives tailored treatment. The clinic’s dedication to rehabilitation therapy, podiatry care, and limb salvage demonstrates a holistic and patient-centric approach to foot health. From routine care for corns, calluses, and cracked feet to managing complex cases of gangrene and elephantiasis, Dr. Premkumar’s clinic stands as a beacon of healing and preventive care for all seeking podiatric excellence.

Premkumar, Podiatric Surgeon specializes in treating diabetic foot ulcers, a common yet serious complication of diabetes. With extensive expertise in wound care management and a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding diabetes-related foot issues, Dr. Premkumar employs a comprehensive approach to address these ulcers effectively. His treatment regimen typically involves a combination of advanced wound dressings, meticulous wound debridement to remove dead tissue, infection control measures, and offloading techniques to relieve pressure on the affected area. Additionally, he emphasizes patient education on proper foot care practices and diabetic management to prevent future complications.

Corns and calluses are common foot conditions that occur due to repeated friction or pressure on the skin. They often develop on the toes, soles, or sides of the feet and can cause discomfort and pain. As podiatrists specializing in foot and ankle care, we offer effective treatments for corns and calluses. Our team will evaluate the underlying cause of these skin abnormalities, which may include biomechanical issues, ill-fitting footwear, or abnormal gait patterns. Treatment options may include debridement or trimming of the corns and calluses, custom orthotic devices to redistribute pressure, and advice on proper footwear and foot care. We also focus on addressing the root cause to prevent future recurrence.

Our goal is to provide you with relief from pain, promote healthy skin, and improve your overall foot comfort. With our expertise in corns and callus management, we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal foot health and ensuring your feet feel their best.

Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection that can affect the lower extremities, particularly the legs. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications. As a podiatrist specializing in lower limb care, we are well-equipped to diagnose and treat cellulitis in the leg. 

Our experienced team will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the extent of the infection and develop a tailored treatment plan to address your specific needs. This may involve a combination of oral antibiotics, wound care, and pain management techniques. We are committed to providing prompt and effective care to alleviate your symptoms, reduce the risk of complications, and promote a full recovery. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the highest standard of care, allowing you to regain your mobility and enjoy a healthy, infection-free leg.

An ingrown toenail can be a painful and bothersome condition that occurs when the edge of the nail grows into the surrounding skin, causing irritation and inflammation. As experienced podiatrists, we specialize in the treatment of ingrown toenails and can provide effective solutions to alleviate your discomfort. Our team will carefully examine your toenail and assess the severity of the ingrowth. Depending on your specific situation, we may recommend various treatment options, including conservative measures such as soaking the foot in warm water and applying antibiotic ointment, as well as more advanced interventions like partial nail avulsion or complete nail removal.

Premier Ingrown Toenail Treatment in Chennai: Dr. Premkumar at Chennai Diabetic Foot Care Centre

Toe deformities such as hammertoes, claw toes, and mallet toes can cause significant discomfort and impact your ability to walk and wear shoes comfortably. As podiatrists specializing in foot and ankle conditions, we provide expert evaluation and treatment for a wide range of toe deformities. Our experienced team will assess the structure and function of your toes, identify the specific deformity, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Treatment options may include non-surgical interventions such as shoe modifications, orthotic devices, stretching exercises, and splinting. In some cases, surgical correction may be recommended to realign the toes and restore their proper function. 

Dermatome skin grafting is a specialized procedure that we offer at our podiatry clinic to promote wound healing and restore damaged skin. This technique involves the transplantation of healthy skin from one area of your body, known as the donor site, to the affected area, also known as the recipient site.

Our skilled podiatrists are experienced in performing dermatome skin grafting for a variety of conditions, including chronic ulcers, burns, and traumatic injuries. By using this innovative procedure, we aim to accelerate the healing process, reduce pain and discomfort, and minimize the risk of infection.

Our team will carefully assess your condition, determine the most appropriate donor site, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. With our expertise in dermatome skin grafting, we strive to help you achieve optimal recovery and regain healthy, functional skin.

Flat foot, also known as fallen arches, is a common condition that can cause pain, discomfort, and difficulty with walking or engaging in physical activities. As podiatrists specializing in foot and ankle care, we offer comprehensive evaluations and tailored treatment plans for individuals with flat feet. Our team will assess the structure of your feet, analyze your gait, and determine the underlying cause of your flat foot condition. 

We may recommend a range of treatment options, including orthotic devices, physical therapy exercises, footwear modifications, and in some cases, surgical intervention. Our goal is to alleviate your symptoms, improve your foot function, and enhance your overall quality of life. With our expertise in flat foot management, we are dedicated to providing you with personalized care and helping you achieve optimal foot health.

Bunions are a common foot condition characterized by a bony prominence at the base of the big toe. They can cause pain, discomfort, and difficulty finding appropriate footwear. As podiatrists specializing in foot and ankle conditions, we offer comprehensive evaluation and treatment options for bunions. Our team will assess the severity of your bunion and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. Non-surgical treatments may include shoe modifications, orthotic devices, padding, and exercises to improve foot strength and alignment. 

Fungal nail infection, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that affects the appearance and health of the nails. If left untreated, it can lead to thickened, discolored nails that may become brittle or crumbly over time. As podiatrists specializing in nail disorders, we offer comprehensive evaluation and treatment options for fungal nail infections. 

Our team will conduct a thorough examination of your nails, and if necessary, perform diagnostic tests to confirm the presence of a fungal infection. We will then develop a customized treatment plan based on the severity of the infection, your medical history, and your lifestyle. Treatment options may include topical antifungal medications, oral antifungal medications, laser therapy, or in some cases, surgical nail removal. We are committed to helping you restore the health and appearance of your nails and providing you with long-term solutions to prevent future fungal infections. 

Achilles tendinitis is a common condition characterized by inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. This condition can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the back of the leg, making it challenging to engage in activities that involve running or jumping. As podiatrists specializing in sports injuries and lower limb conditions, we offer specialized evaluation and treatment options for Achilles tendinitis. Our team will conduct a thorough examination to assess the extent of the condition and develop a tailored treatment plan to address your specific needs.

Treatment may include rest, ice, physical therapy exercises, orthotic devices, and anti-inflammatory medications. In severe cases, minimally invasive procedures or surgical intervention may be recommended. Our goal is to alleviate your pain, promote healing, and restore the strength and flexibility of your Achilles tendon. With our expertise in Achilles tendinitis management, we are committed to helping you get back on your feet and return to your active lifestyle.

A calcaneal spur, also known as a heel spur, is a bony outgrowth that forms on the underside of the heel bone. It can cause heel pain, especially when walking or standing for long periods. As podiatrists specializing in foot and ankle conditions, we offer expert evaluation and treatment options for calcaneal spurs.

Our team will conduct a thorough examination to determine the cause and severity of your heel pain. Treatment may include stretching exercises, custom orthotic devices, footwear modifications, and anti-inflammatory medications. Physical therapy and shockwave therapy may also be recommended to alleviate pain and promote healing. In rare cases where conservative measures are not effective, surgical intervention may be considered.

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted veins that commonly occur in the legs and feet. They can cause discomfort, pain, and aesthetic concerns. As podiatrists specializing in lower limb conditions, we offer comprehensive evaluation and treatment options for varicose veins. Our team understands the impact that these veins can have on your daily life and self-confidence. We will conduct a thorough examination to assess the severity of your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment options may include conservative measures such as lifestyle modifications, compression therapy, and leg elevation to alleviate symptoms. For more severe cases, minimally invasive procedures such as sclerotherapy or endovenous laser treatment may be recommended to eliminate or reduce the appearance of varicose veins. 

Varicose vein surgery treatment in chennai

Charcot foot, also known as Charcot arthropathy, is a complex condition characterized by a progressive weakening and degeneration of the foot’s bones, joints, and soft tissues. It is often associated with neuropathy, a loss of sensation in the foot. As podiatrists specializing in lower limb conditions, we are experienced in diagnosing and treating Charcot foot. Our team understands the importance of early detection and intervention to prevent further deformity and complications. We offer comprehensive evaluations, utilizing advanced imaging techniques to assess the extent of the condition.

Treatment may involve immobilization, custom orthotic devices, and therapeutic footwear to support and protect the foot. 

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. As podiatrists specializing in foot and ankle conditions, we offer comprehensive evaluation and treatment options for plantar fasciitis.

Our team understands the impact that this condition can have on your daily activities and quality of life. We will conduct a thorough examination to determine the underlying cause of your pain and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Treatment options may include stretching exercises, orthotic devices, physical therapy, footwear modifications, and in some cases, corticosteroid injections. We also focus on educating you about proper foot mechanics and self-care techniques to prevent future flare-ups. 


Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a condition that affects the blood vessels in the lower extremities, leading to reduced blood flow to the feet and legs. As podiatrists specializing in lower limb care, we are experienced in diagnosing and managing peripheral vascular disease. Our team will conduct a thorough evaluation of your foot and ankle circulation, assess your symptoms, and develop a personalized treatment plan to improve blood flow and reduce the risk of complications.

Treatment may involve lifestyle modifications, medication management, exercise programs, and wound care for any associated ulcers or infections. We work closely with other healthcare professionals to provide a comprehensive approach to your care, addressing both the vascular and podiatric aspects of the condition. 


CTA femoral artery run off image of femoral artery for diagnostic Acute or Chronic Peripheral Arterial Disease.

Foot ulcers and infections are serious conditions that require prompt attention and specialized care. As podiatrists experienced in diabetic foot care and wound management, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive evaluation and treatment options for foot ulcers and infections. Our team will assess the underlying causes of your condition, which may include neuropathy, vascular disease, or trauma. We prioritize a multidisciplinary approach to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. Treatment may include wound debridement, offloading techniques, infection management, and advanced wound care therapies.

We focus not only on promoting wound healing but also on addressing the underlying factors to prevent future ulcers and infections.

Nail disorders can be both unsightly and uncomfortable, affecting the health and appearance of your nails. As podiatrists specializing in foot and nail care, we offer comprehensive evaluation and treatment options for a variety of nail disorders. Our team understands the impact that these conditions can have on your self-esteem and overall foot health. Whether you are dealing with fungal infections, ingrown nails, or other nail abnormalities, we are here to help.

We will carefully assess your nails, identify the underlying cause of the disorder, and develop a personalized treatment plan. Treatment options may include medication, topical solutions, nail debridement, and advice on proper nail care. 


Viral warts, also known as plantar warts, are common skin infections caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can appear on the soles of the feet, causing pain and discomfort when walking or standing. As podiatrists specializing in foot and ankle conditions, we offer expert evaluation and treatment options for viral warts. Our team understands the challenges that these warts can pose and the importance of effective management.

We will conduct a thorough examination to confirm the diagnosis and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Treatment options may include topical medications, cryotherapy (freezing), laser therapy, or surgical removal. We focus on not only eliminating the warts but also preventing their recurrence. 

Onychocryptosis, commonly known as an ingrown toenail, occurs when the nail grows into the surrounding skin. To treat it, soaking the foot in warm water mixed with Epsom salts can provide relief. Lifting the ingrown nail with a clean cotton ball or dental floss helps proper growth. For severe or recurring cases, professional care from a podiatrist may be needed, including partial or total nail avulsion. Preventive measures include maintaining foot hygiene, wearing comfortable shoes, trimming nails straight across, and keeping feet clean and dry. If experiencing pain or signs of infection, it is advised to consult a healthcare professional.

Ankle sprains are a common injury where the ligaments supporting the ankle are stretched or torn. Treatment for ankle sprains typically begins with the R.I.C.E. protocol (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) to reduce swelling and pain. Our podiatrists may recommend wearing a supportive brace or using crutches to allow the ankle to heal properly. Physical therapy exercises will focus on strengthening the ankle and improving balance. In some cases, our podiatrists may consider immobilization with a cast or boot for severe sprains.

Runner’s knee, or patellofemoral pain syndrome, is a common condition characterized by pain around the kneecap. Treatment for runner’s knee often starts with rest and avoiding activities that exacerbate the pain. Our podiatrists may recommend physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knee and improve alignment. They may also suggest using knee braces or supports to provide additional stability and reduce pain during physical activities. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help manage pain and inflammation associated with runner’s knee.

Shin splints cause pain along the shinbone (tibia) and are often related to overuse or repetitive stress. Treatment for shin splints involves a combination of rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Our podiatrists may recommend modifying or reducing activities that trigger shin splints. They will also provide guidance on proper footwear and orthotic inserts to provide shock absorption and support to the feet. Physical therapy exercises will focus on strengthening the lower leg muscles and improving flexibility. In severe cases, our podiatrists may recommend imaging tests and more advanced treatment options.

Fractures and sprains require prompt medical attention to ensure proper healing. Fractures may require immobilization with a cast, brace, or splint to stabilize the affected bone and promote alignment. Our podiatrists may recommend surgical intervention for complex fractures. Sprains involve damage to ligaments and may also require immobilization, along with physical therapy exercises to restore strength and range of motion. Pain management medications may be prescribed to alleviate discomfort during the healing process. Regular follow-up appointments with our podiatrists are crucial to monitor progress and adjust treatment as needed.

Toenail disorders encompass a range of conditions such as ingrown toenails, fungal infections, and trauma-related nail deformities. Treatment for toenail disorders varies depending on the specific condition. Our podiatrists may perform nail trimming or debridement to address ingrown nails and provide relief. For fungal infections, antifungal medications in topical or oral form may be prescribed. In severe cases, our podiatrists may consider surgical intervention to remove the affected nail or treat the underlying cause. They will also provide education on proper nail care techniques and footwear choices to prevent future toenail disorders.

Infections affecting the feet and toes can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Treatment for foot infections involves a comprehensive approach. Our podiatrists may prescribe antibiotic therapy, either in oral or topical form, based on the specific infection. Wound care and dressing changes are essential to prevent further infection and promote healing. In more severe cases, our podiatrists may need to drain the infected area or perform surgical intervention. Education on hygiene practices, such as proper foot washing and drying techniques, is provided to prevent future infections and promote overall foot health.

Chennai podiatrist infection treatment

Warts and corns are common foot conditions that can cause discomfort and pain. Treatment for warts may include topical medications such as salicylic acid, cryotherapy (freezing), or laser therapy to remove the wart. Our podiatrists may also perform surgical excision for persistent or resistant warts. Corns can be treated by removing the thickened skin and addressing the underlying cause of increased pressure or friction. This may involve wearing properly fitted shoes, using cushioning pads, or orthotic inserts to redistribute pressure. Our podiatrists also provide education on preventive measures to avoid future occurrences of warts or corns.

Chennai foot wound care

Hammertoes are characterized by an abnormal bending or contraction of the toe joints, resulting in a hammer-like appearance. Treatment for hammertoes aims to relieve pain, improve function, and prevent the condition from worsening. Our podiatrists may recommend wearing properly fitted shoes with a roomy toe box to accommodate the toes. They may also prescribe custom orthotic devices or shoe inserts to help correct the toe alignment and provide support. Physical therapy exercises, such as toe stretches and strengthening, can improve flexibility and muscle balance. In more severe cases, our podiatrists may recommend surgical intervention to straighten the toe joints and alleviate discomfort. Regular monitoring and follow-up visits are essential to assess progress and adjust treatment as needed.